介绍接下来会做的新系列「a peculiar hobby」,以及反馈收到的来信。
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「a peculiar hobby」序言
- 播客 The Soundtrack Show - Lesser-Known Scores: John Williams
- 机核网Gadio游戏广播 - 见证见证者:解读Jonathan Blow的游戏《The Witness》
- 机核网 - 实地见证:关于见证者的线下沙龙
- 机核电台 -《西部世界》的文化根源与理论基础座谈会(推荐在机核App内搜索收听)
- 王安忆《心灵世界》
- 张怡微《情关西游》
- 宝婷的小文,《读书纪 · 2016》
- 廖朝陽(1998),妙法蓮花經的文學認識論 (摘要)
不可理论 7 创作者无法回避任何问题 (该期节目由于被评论攻击,已删除)
- Indienova上,游戏《里世界》作者的自述
- 游戏 Event0
- 游戏 The Turing Test
- Alexander Galloway (2012), The Interface Effect
- 影响R君的作者导演:小津安二郎、是枝裕和、李沧东
- Hubert Dreyfus (1992), What Computers Still Can't Do: A Critique of Artificial Reason
- 廖朝陽,《人工智能與側向倫理:後人類人文攻略》(摘要)
- Giorgio Agamben (1990), The Coming Community 里提到 Glenn Gould: Even though every pianist necessarily has the potential to play and the potential to not-play, Glenn Gould is, however, the only one who can not not-play, and, directing his potentiality not only to the act but to his own impotence, he plays, so to speak, with his potential to not play.
BGM: 増田俊郎 - 籠のなか